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Alumni Advisory Board

Attorney Traci A. Gibson
Attorney Amber Hamilton Gregg
Inaugural SWBLSA Chair | UHLC '17
Houston Lawyers Association, President
NBA Region V, Secretary
Professor of Law, UHLC
BLSA President '10-'11 | TAMU '11
NBA Region V, Director
JL Turner, Immediate Past President
Litigation House Counsel, Progressive Insurance

Attorney Amber Webb Sims
NBLSA Member | TTU '10
Houston Lawyers Association, President
Assistant VP, Senior Legal Counsel, AT&T

Attorney Adria Nobles Kimbrough
Attorney Maydrian A. Strozier-Lowe
Attorney Alfred Bleu
U of Cincinnati '00
Student Recruiting Manager, NAACP LDF
BLSA President | UNTDCOL '17
VP of Dispute Resolution, Corporate Counsel, Progress Residential
SWBLSA Chair '23-'24| TTU '24
NAACP LDF, Legal Fellow
If you are interested in being on the SWBLSA Advisory Board, please email!
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